Alec's Bar Mitzvah
Join us as we celebrate Alec's Bar Mitzvah. Our family and friends are so important to us, and this special day wouldn’t be the same without you. We are unable to invite everyone to join us in person, but we are thrilled to have you join us online.
If you are among the few people we can have join us in person for this special event, please see travel information to make your planning easier.
Please find the event information below and RSVP today.

A note from Alec
Hello, I would like to thank you for taking a few moments out of your day to read this. My Bar Mitzvah means a lot to me and my family. It is a coming of age ceremony in our religion and a landmark in my lifetime. I studied and worked toward this for the past two years and it means a lot to me that you are going to watch me accomplish this milestone in my life. It has been a hard road to get here, with a lot of bumps on the way, but I'm glad that together we can celebrate this journey coming to an end and the beginning of a new chapter in my life. Thanks again for your time and I look forward to celebrating with you.

A little more information
We are so excited to have you join us for Alec's Bar Mitzvah. Due to the pandemic, in-person attendance will be very limited, however we are thrilled to have everyone join us virtually.
The YouTube Link:
Friday night the link opens at 7:15, services start at 7:30pm.
Saturday morning the link opens at 9:45am, services start at 10am.